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Train to Teach Yoga in 2024!

The Breathe in Space

If, like me, back in my 20s, you've grown quickly addicted to the joy and peace yoga simultaneously brings you, you've possibly also wondered 'what if this were my job?!'

And then, like me back in my 20s, probably thought 'nah, I'm not good enough!'

Let's do some myth debunking!

There are no set requirements for teaching yoga!

You do not have to be a vegan (or vegetarian!) to teach yoga!

You do not have to be able to do 'difficult' poses to teach yoga!

You do not have to be a spiritual guru to teach yoga!

In fact, I'd argue that, the main prerequisite was mentioned in part one of this blog post: all you need is passion for yoga to teach yoga.

If you're overweight, unfit, eat meat, still smoke, are partial to a glass of wine or three, don't own a single pair of stretchy Lycra leggings but ADORE yoga and how it makes you feel, the chances are, you'd make a GREAT yoga teacher! Obviously, I'm not advocating an unhealthy lifestyle, but the point is: yoga was never intended for a niche market and you don't have to be a certain way to teach it. The more variety of teacher we see, the better yoga becomes!

At TBIS I advocate for yoga as a means to heal, a method for meditation, a practice far beyond a physical stretch. I teach traditional hatha, with variants branching into restorative and yin styles. I have no qualms about talking about yoga's philosophies, traditions, capabilities and links to spirituality in class and, now, in my training course too. My aim is to create well rounded, well informed, confident yoga teachers of the future. Training with me means:





If you want to teach yoga, I want to teach you how to do it!

And that takes time, like all good things in life! I don't do fast track, I do immersive. I don't do tick box, I do check back. I don't do bums on seats, I do mentor/mentee.

To join the next cohort and train to teach yoga with me from January 20 2024, write to me and tell me a) what your experience of yoga is so far (you'll need two years experience ideally) and b) why you feel compelled to take the teachers path

Then we'll get you set with either 10% off your full course price (when you pay in full) or set you up a payment plan to make things more manageable.

And hey, as an added bonus, what about 50% off the full price?! That's right! THREE lucky applicants will receive this half price deal when they book to train in January. First come, first served! This is HOT off the press and you have one week to receive the deal as my Black Friday offering! Get writing yogis!

And if this doesn't convince you, hear from recent trainees I've taught as to why it's a good idea:

" Jo is a natural teacher, she has made some quite complex ideas so accessible and totally enjoyable.  I can feel the ideas all knitting together as we weave our way through the sessions and I’m feeling a new confidence in my understanding of yoga philosophy and teaching.  I’m really excited for each session and can’t wait to see what’s next "

" I had been to a few taster sessions with other teachers but the fit wasn't quite right. Then I met Jo, she was approachable, relatable and knowledgeable I'm so thankful that I waited to join a ytt, this course is everything i could have hoped and more...I just love it!"

" I was hooked right from the first session and knew I'd made the right decision...the entire course was really interesting, it covered a wide range of topics and I've learnt so much!"

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